Good News & Notes

What is Truth?

Pilate asked Jesus this very question nearly 2,000 years ago when questioning our Lord about His guilt or innocence.  The Jewish leaders – with the aid of false witnesses – had charged Jesus with blasphemy and sedition, and sought the death penalty for Christ.  Jesus confirmed that He was indeed a King, but His Kingdom was different from any earthly kingdom.  His was a SPIRITUAL kingdom.  He went on to say that His purpose in … Continue readingWhat is Truth?

Are You Happy?

The Harris Poll has been conducting a “happiness” survey for the last 9 years.  Although the poll showed that Americans reported being happier in 2017 than 2016, the survey revealed that only 33 % of Americans say they are especially happy overall. In a nation that has so much, why aren’t more people happy?  Just compare “our” standard of living to the rest of the world.  Consider our income, our homes, our personal transportation, our … Continue readingAre You Happy?


Welcome to our new website. We are currently busy doing a “home makeover” and hope to have it all completed shortly.  Feel free to contact us. We are located at: 212 W Marion St Chattahoochee, FL 32324 Phone:  (850) 693-1850 (David Bateman) Times of Services: Sunday Bible Study – 10AM (EST) Sunday Worship – 11 AM (EST) Weds Midweek Bible Study – 7 PM (EST)